As part of UBC’s Unmanned Aerial Systems engineering design team, I helped create “Scorpion”. Scorpion is a remote control rover designed to move medical packages onto a drone. Scorpion features a driving and grabbing mechanism and additionally includes an FPV camera and QR code scanner.
In the team, I designed Scorpions PCB using EDA software. The PCB features an Arduino Nano microcontroller, a linear voltage regulator, appropriate headers, and a fully integrated motor driver circuit with the L298 IC.

I was also heavily involved in manufacturing the rover and made multiple contributions to design discussions regarding the mechanical system and integration of the rover with the drone. In addition, I had some involvement with the administration and management of the projec
The team was awarded the following four awards: Phase one 2nd place, Phase two 3rd place, Judges award, Perseverance award.