Tayyib Chohan's Picture

Tayyib Chohan. Computer Engineering Student UBC

Currently looking for career opportunities across software and computer engineering.

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SUAS Drone Competition 2022

SUAS Drone Competition 2022

As the payload lead of UBC's Unmanned Aerial Systems engineering design team, I directly led a team of over 20 engineering students to develop more than five distinct mechatronic projects to compete against universities across the world

Trulioo Software Engineering Intern

Trulioo Software Engineering Intern

This was my first official software engineering internship. Trulioo is a large multimillion dollar tech-unicorn that creates a range of products related to online indentity verification

USC Canadian Drone Competition

USC Canadian Drone Competition

As part of UBC's Unmanned Aerial Systems engineering design team, I helped create "Scorpion". Scorpion is a remote control rover designed to move medical packages onto a drone. Scorpion features a driving and grabbing mechanism and additionally includes an FPV camera and QR code scanner.